Stale Case Search Screen, A Useful Utility – Tip

Many users of recent copies of Prime are not aware of a very useful Search
Screen called ‘Stale Cases’.

You can open this screen by either going to the Navigation Pane and typing
in srchStaleCases or you can get to it by going to the Today Screen and
choosing ‘Stale Cases’ under your Daily Worksheet list.

The Stale Cases works just like any other search screen, with some notable

1. You can set the number of days with no activity for the cases you want
to review. If you don’t set it, the default is 90 days.

2. You can limit this list to a particular advocate.

3. You can limit the list to a particular unit or office.

4. The list can be limited to just PBI cases.

When you put your settings in and press search, a list of cases appears that
satisfy the conditions you set. You can then examine the individual cases,
print the list out or, in newer versions, export to Excel.

This utility can help you insure that not only the volume of cases in your
office is high enough, but also the velocity of the cases prevent them from
becoming stale.

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